I intended to get this mosaic made and posted before the first of March, but it just didn’t happen! The last week of February was very busy, and full of some major milestones. One of them was Baby V’s first birthday. I’m absolutely amazed that twelve months have gone by since our little flower was born. In many ways, I feel like I’m still recovering and adjusting. I’ve been extra emotional lately, knowing that she’ll never be this little again. Actually, I shared some of my feelings about motherhood over at She is Three a few days ago.
The color for February’s monthly mosaic was purple, with the theme of tranquility. I don’t get much tranquility at all with a little one who is teething and learning to walk, but these four photographs depict some serene moments. The photo at the top left is one of my daughter that I took on Sunday, which was her first birthday. She looked so calm at that moment, concentrating on a new puzzle in the soft light. The photo at the top right is the first dress I bought for Baby V when I was pregnant, and it holds such deep sentimental value. (That same dress was an integral part of my February self-portrait at She is Three). At the bottom left is a close up of the dress Baby V wore at her first birthday party. The purple ribbon rosettes just melt my heart. Sometimes I wish she would wear dresses like this forever! The last photo is one of weeds. Yes, weeds. Here in winter, there isn’t anything green or flowering to admire on my walks. Nonetheless, I decided that weeds in winter have a certain charm about them. That being said, I’m still very much looking forward to the arrival of spring! The birds are starting to chirp, and that is a good sign.
hello jennifer what a beautiful mosaic you have created. It has so much feeling in it! your daughter definately does look very tranquil, what a special time in your lives…i also read your self portrait post for february what a great storyteller you are…honest & raw..i am very sorry your mother has passed on..you are right..we never truly outgrow our mothers..i am very fortunate to still be able to reach out to mine & becoming a mother almost two years ago certainly has shown me also a new level of love..for my mother, my daughter & for all mothers in general..even though you have learnt you have a lot to learn..you are deifnately in the right place when you share your stories..thankyou..i found it very inspiring!! and the blog that the three of you have created is wonderful!!
violet is absolutely beautiful! just imagine the sense of wonder with which she will explore her world during the coming spring and summer. you’ll have to wear your camera as part of your daily apparel! actually, i’d LOVE to see some of your selfies with the two of you exploring the world outdoors together
— magic!!
this mosaic is so full of sweetness…