
There is much to be said about unfolding. A flower bud is beautiful, but it is merely a beginning. It is young and fresh, but still just a fraction of what it could become. Closed up and protected from the elements, it only matures if and when conditions are right. Seeing this flowering kale at the farm market we visited earlier this month got me thinking about the process of opening up. Normalcy can be nice and cloaking can be comforting, but what about daring to fulfill our soul’s desires? I admit that hiding can seem easier than working to meet our potential, yet there reaches a point when staying curled up tight just isn’t comfortable anymore. This famous quote of Anaïs Nin comes to mind: «Vint un temps où le risque de rester à l’étroit dans un bourgeon était plus douloureux que le risque d’éclore.» [In English: «And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom»]. Yes, change can be frightening, but it can also be amazing. Here’s to blossoming…